I owe a post to a friend from class about Captain America. I told her I would do it but it’s been a few weeks, so now’s the time. We both love Steve Rogers and have had many discussions about why he’s the best Avenger, and she wrote a post on it.
Sitting down to write this today, I wasn’t sure exactly what to say. It would be too repetitive to write another “Why He is the Best” post. In order to get my wheels turning, I did a quick Google search on him. I was about to look up “why Captain America is the best” (hoping for a random tidbit that is rarely talked about), and instead clicked on the autofill “why Captain America is the worst.”
I am, admittedly, biased in his favor, and it would not be fair to write a post about why I like him so much without hearing out the other side. So, I did. I read 20 Things Wrong with Captain America that We All Choose to Ignore. It will be too long to look at all 20 reasons in this post (I’ve already met the minimum word count), so I’ll start with a few of them. Perhaps I’ll write a part two to this post next week…we’ll see.
Here is my best attempt at an honest and fair response to the reasons why Steve Rogers is the worst, as said in the article. (I will be directly referencing the article, so if you need clarification go and read that).
Reason #20: His Strength Wasn’t His Own
The basic argument here is that he didn’t work or train to get his strength, it was handed to him by the scientist that created the formula. Okay, true.
And that’s bad because…? The point of his origin story is exactly that! It’s not his strength. On his own, he was small, scrawny, and physically weak. It’s because it’s not his own strength that he fully appreciates it and uses it to help others. As Dr. Erskine said, “Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion.”
Note: Think about it, a lot of the Avengers’ strength isn’t their own. Peter Parker? Bitten by a spider. Wanda Maximoff? Given her powers by the Mind Stone. Bucky Barnes? Also given the serum and given a metal arm. Just because the strength didn’t originate with them doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of it.
Reason #19: He’s Not Good With the Ladies
Actually, he’s just fine interacting with them. The ladies just don’t give him a chance because he doesn’t start out very attractive. Once given the chance, he’s very good and respectful with them (as seen with Peggy, Nat, Wanda, Sharon, and the girls he rescues from aliens). He’s not all about the one-nighters like Tony is, but wouldn’t be something that makes him good?
Maybe it’s just me, but I find the way he treats and interacts with ladies more respectful, kind, and attractive than many of the Avengers. I like a guy who’s not a flirt.
Reason #18: Judgmental
Okay, this one is true oftentimes. I get this one. It is arguable his biggest flaw, especially at the beginning of the Avengers movies. There’s not much to argue that he isn’t at times judgmental, except to note that he does improve. And that’s exactly what good character development is. No one wants a character that is perfect. All of the Avengers have flaws that they work on overcoming through the course of the movies.
Reason #17: Self-Righteous
Basically the same thing as the previous one. The only thing I will add is that while Steve Rogers does have incredibly high standards for everyone around him, he holds himself to the same standards.
Reason #16: Weakness for Bucky Barnes
…That’s a bad thing? Loyalty to one’s friends? Whether you love or hate Bucky is not the point. The point is that Rogers stands by his friends, even when they don’t deserve it.
Reason #15: Avengers: Age of Man Feelings
The argument here is that in Avengers: Age of Ultron, all the guys are at each other’s throats until the very end. Which…sure? But, how does that make Steve less than the other Avengers? They literally can’t even mention Steve by name in the paragraph, because it has nothing to do with specifically him.
Reason #14: Globe Trotting Destruction
And I quote, “[Cap] gets in a fist fight with Ultron that causes a ton of damage throughout the city. There's no shot of him walking the streets with a broom and a little garbage bag so it's safe to assume he made it someone else's problem. Real nice there, Steve.” This feels suspiciously like a straw man. I don’t think it really deserves much said in defense. If it’s not glaringly obvious what a bad argument this is, then go brush up on some logic.
Reason #13: No Sokovia Compromise
They say, “Instead of trying to work with the governments of the world to come up with a reasonable set of rules, he pretty much thumbs his nose at the entire process. Not so idealistic after all, are we Captain America?” I say, “Factually Inaccurate.” 1. Steve is the only one in the movie shown actually reading and trying to understand the Accords (and this is before he gives a definite “no”). 2. This is Cap’s big breakthrough, as he realizes that just obeying the authorities and government isn’t always the morally right choice, which up until now he had pretty much taken for granted. That’s called character growth- he’s learning and adapting to the complex world.
Reason #12: Bringing Bucky Into the Middle of the Civil War
Again? Didn’t we just talk about this?
Reason #11: Super Soldier Army First, Then We Civil War
They’re saying that it’s (and I quote), “a little ridiculous” that Cap wanted to first foil the bad guy’s plans to set loose a whole army of super soldiers and then afterward fight with Tony&crew. I fail to see how this was a bad idea, seeing as the super soldiers are the actual bad guys and would kill people. Shouldn’t the most dangerous and nefarious evil be dealt with first- unless you are suggesting that Tony was the bigger evil in the scenario?
Let’s hope that they are saving their best arguments for last because so far, I’m not convinced. I know he’s not perfect, but that’s good because otherwise, he would be boring and unrelatable. Tune in next week to hear the thrilling conclusion to why Captain America is (or is not) the worst Avenger.
Comment Below Your Opinions On Steve Rogers and Give Me The Reasons/Evidence!
You make some good arguments Clara. But you also throw Tony under the bus a little in order to make some of those arguments, which hurts my soul. If I hadn't just spent an hour writing about mental health and if I didn't have a blog post lined up for next week, I just might write a blog post in the defense of Tony Stark. I guess we shall see.
I love this! I quite like him as well, however, these flaws are things I have chosen to ignore, and seeing all of them pop up on a single post was hilarious!
Keep writing!